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Our February Learning Plans and Activities

Nothing gets me more excited to spread a little extra love than February.

Take a peek at our homeschool learning plans for the month and snag a few freebies for learning at home with your littles along the way!

Do you decorate during the month of February?

I love seeing everyone's l-o-v-e banners and adorable matching shirts, although I am not part of that crew.

Christmas is about as decorate-y as it gets at our house. Let's talk about themes though...

February FUN

I'll be honest and say that the first activity that I chose to incorporate this month had me WAY more pumped than I expected.

Have you made sensory bags before? Then you know why.

If you haven't, you're about to quickly find out how cool these things are and will be searching for ways to weave them into your experiment schedule ASAP.

DIY Sight Word Sensory Bag

I have seen these before, but wanted to add a touch of academics to the fun.

My son rarely wants to work on his sight words, so that was the ticket for making this an irresistible activity this month.

I printed, laminated, and cut 12 sight words and added them into the bag.

For an extra touch, I found some heart-eyed robot erasers and tossed those in as well!

This makes searching through the bag fun and enjoyable. We even set a timer to see how quickly he could find all twelve.

We have already utilized this sensory sight word bag for practicing sight words and I even talked my little into working on his handwriting by recorded the words as he found them.

Seriously, there is no true amount of ingredients, just do your thing!

Mix all of this until you think it looks neat:

2 containers of gel

food coloring


odds and ends

Love Letters

We will be discussing the parts of a letter and creating our own sweet messages to include in some goodies we're sending to a few loved ones over the Valentine's Day weekend.

Nothing too fancy here, but this is the perfect time to discuss gratitude.

If you're interested in finding out what I'll be packing in our gifts, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel- where I share our homeschool journey and everything along the way.

Math with Hearts

Last but not least, BINGO got a facelift this month!

There's nothing like a classic game with a little educational twist.

I got this red BINGO marker at the Dollar Tree, along with these fun fortune cookies.

Adding and subtracting just got a tad more competitive with this activity.

Included in this set are addition and subtraction calling cards, to be correlated with the sum or difference on the BINGO card.

What will you be enjoying this month?

I would love to hear your activities and February plans for homeschool!



If you love realistic parent chat and learning hacks for your kids, this is your kind of place.


I taught in the classroom for five years before joining the educator support crew.

Now I'm homeschooling my son while growing alongside other parents and teachers.


Take a peek at the printables and teaching tidbits I have here + follow me everywhere else!



I would love to hear about you! I'm happy you're here.

I'm Lauren
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